Jazz Trio: Piano, Guitar & Bass Trombone

You open the door to the cafe..

somewhere in Florida…longing for Paris

The band is in the middle of..

“Pensativa” excerpt, by Clare Fischer. As the glasses clank and the waiter, or bartender takes your order, the conversations around you drift in and out if the music, as we fragile humans enjoy our seasons of life and the beauty of adulthood with friends, family, fine cuisine and perhaps a well-mixed beverage…

TWO “Autumn Leaves”, by Johnny Mercer, fills the air and perfectly sums up the beautiful, bountiful and yet haunting autumn of life.

Upon return from the smallest room in the restaurant you are relieved, but find that you have missed the first few bars if the next song. Thinking of being concerned?

THREE “Well You Needn’t”, by Thelonious Monk’s Bebop classic is complimented by the sudden loud staccato of mixing martinis…and bouncing piano. Perfect with your dinner.

FOUR “Triste” by Antonio Carlos Jobim is a Bossa Nova from the master of all Bossa Novas-Jobim, and the land where Bossa Nova is the soul of a nation-Brazil.

FIVE “Blusette”, by Toots Thielman is perfect jazz waltz for desert, more conversation and listening.

SIX reveals a highlight for swing fans, “I’m Old Fashioned”.

SEVEN is “Peace”, by Horace Silver (Silva) Does every night reveal a masterpiece? Sometimes..and sometimes a masterpeace.

Finding live music that features improvised bass trombone solos is not easy. The trio with piano and guitar is just about perfect, leaving plenty of room for bass-trombone, of course. This is what a young bass trombonist just might be looking for..This is what I would have been looking to listen to when I was a boy…Album I Jazz Trios!

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