USA Premiere Elizabeth Raum Concerto for Brass Trombone , World Premiere for Bass Trombone & Wind Ensemble Version (In Place of String Orchestra).

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Six Arias by Thomas Sleeper World Premiere of Transcription for Bass Trombone & Orchestra-Reference Recording

World Premiere of Transcription for Bass Trombone & Orchestra


Thomas Sleeper’s Six Arias for Bass Trombone and Orchestra received its debut performance in concert with the Florida Atlantic University Symphony Orchestra on Thursday evening, November 21st of 2013 at 7:00 pm under the baton of Dr. Laura Joella and featuring bass trombone soloist David William Brubeck.

Originally scored for tenor and orchestra, the Six Arias have been transcribed for cello and now bass trombone. Sleeper, a noted composer, conductor and a now retired Professor of Music at the University of Miami, is himself a bass trombonist and has composed the Arias based on texts from author Ernest Hemingway.

Recording below:

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Does An Inventor Know What He Has Made? What Does He Say About Natural Immunity?

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Stereogram No. 41 ‘Flamenco’

Trombone & Guitar-what a great combination! Please enjoy this copy of my composition for bass trombone so skillfully performed by the fantastic Ben van Dijk, with a guitar and percussion tracks he composed and performed himself!

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More Marcello with DUO WINDS!

trOmBOnE is Duo Winds, featuring Oboist Dr. Erin Gitellson and Bass Trombonist Dr. David William Brubeck. They are joined by pianist Bronwen Rutter to for a wind-oriented version of the piano trio.

Here the group is in rehearsal…

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“In My Oldsmobile”

Yep! “This ain’t no cow town, Brubeck”. My friends warning about Miami echoed in my mind as I, a driver fresh from the Midwest surveyed the damage in the wreckage yard. Where Midwestern drivers would stop at a red light, in Miami, well let’s just say they have an orange light after the yellow. One driver totaled my vehicle on their orange light. I made it through my first day at the University of Miami, thanks to being dropped off by a kind tow truck driver. And even managed to survive my auditions earning bass bone in the Concert Jazz Band and Orchestra.

It took me about three to four months to save up the $500 for a Buick. It lasted a few weeks, and died on the side of the road as I was driving to Palm Beach to play for the “Singing Christmas Tree”. As I put my trombone case on top of my 1970’s Buick, I wondered how I was going to make it the rest of the 40 miles to the gig.

“In My Oldsmobile”, for Voice, Bass Bone & Synth.

Seeing my trombone, a local bass trombone legend-Mark Gregory, happened to be passing by and gave me a lift to the airport to rent a car. It was then that I found out that you had to be 25 to rent a car in Miami. (WHAAAT???). Believe it or not, I took a Taxi to the gig, and made it only a little late to the rehearsal. The next day a friend drove me to the location my car broke down, and it had disappeared. Most likely on a boat to Haiti, the cop said.

It took me another three or four months to earn $700 bucks, (I learned my lesson-no more cheap cars for me!), and bought a 1980 Delta 88 Oldsmobile with a Chevy 350 engine in it, (yes, stock). That car meant even more to me than even my first one and it ran like a dream, even for several years after I sold it to my friend Luis. I do not consider myself much of a materialistic person, but I do have a definition of wealth-a running vehicle!

You might hear the inspiration of Terry Kath and James Pankow in this tune I wrote and sang. Yes the synth-horns are too loud! I’ll put the words so you know what I am singing.

Not sure how many blues/rock recordings are fronted by a horn player, much less a bass trombonist! I think it is safe to say that Van Morrison and Trombone Shorty are in no imminent danger.

Thought you might enjoy a tale from my youth, and an early muse-My Oldsmobile!


In My Olds, In My Oldsmobile, with the faded paint and rusty rims. Go now Olds! Go now Oldsmobile, I can’t wait to get behind the wheel. Porsche’s & Beemer’s are going to scatter-from My Oldsmobile!

It’s not a Rolls. It’s not a Cadillac. I wouldn’t have no Mercedes Benz. It’s not a Mazda, or a Fiat. It’s an S.O.B. not Saab my friend. Part Chevy and Buick. Let’s get to it. In my, Oldsmobile.

If you have to drive a Honda, just stay outta my way. Got a hunk a US Steel, made the Detoit way. If oyu’re talking Japanese cars; to me hey don’t appeal. They just don’t have the funky groove, they just don’t have the feel of my Olds-my Oldsmobile!.

In My Olds, In My Oldsmobile, with the faded paint and rusty rims. Go now Olds! Go now Oldsmobile, I can’t wait to get behind the wheel. Porsche’s & Beemer’s are going to scatter-from My Oldsmobile!

“In My Oldsmobile”, Music and Lyrics c. 1989 David William Brubeck

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Ever Get a Sweet Smooth Bass Line Stuck In Your Head? Time To Cruise I-95 in the 305….

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Enjoy This Sight-Reading!

Some have asked for a transcript of my improvised solo as performed by Ben van Dijk.

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A Needle in EVERY Arm? Or Do 100 Million Americans NOT Need It?
Did a Medical Doctor and United States Senator state that 100 MILLION Americans have Natural Immunity? And That Natural Immunity May Be Better Than Vaccinated Immunity?

15 Studies That Indicate Natural Immunity From Prior Infection IS More Robust Than the Covid Vaccines

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Natural Immunity or Vaccine, Which Is Stronger?

The workers on the front line. First responders, teachers, nurses, truck drivers, delivery people and almost anyone who worked with the public. Many kept our society going at the risk of their own personal health and did jobs that simply could not be “done without” or transferred online.

Many of these heroes caught Covid and survived it. Now armed with with Natural Immunity to Covid, do they NEED a Vaccine? Is their Natural Immunity Better? If so, how much better? Could a Covid Vaccine Actually be more likely to HARM them while offering little to no benefits?

Texas Senate Covid Testimony: People with Natural Immunity Don’t Need and Should Not Have a Vaccine

15 Studies That Indicate Natural Immunity From Prior Infection is More Robust Than the Covid Vaccines

[FROM THE HILL] Kim Iversen: BOMBSHELL Report Suggests Natural Immunity Triggers Better Response Against Covid

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(Another) “Galop” for You!

by Dr. Charles Campbell
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New Stereogram Recordings 2021!

Recent Recordings of my Compositions by OTHERS:

Detroit Symphony Master Bass Bass Trombonist and Faculty at Northwestern University, Randall Hawes, recorded my “Stereogram No. 3” as a salute to the DSO concert hall.

In the 20201 graduate recital of New England Conservatory student Matthew Ethier, “Stereogram No. 20”

And in an innovative video by New York City bass trombonist Ricardo Arbiza with beatboxer Joe Marttin!  May 2021

“Stereogram No.3″ by bass trombonist Brian Ronald, June 2021; Stewart Bridgeforth, November 2020; & Marcos Pacheco, January 2021.

University of Toronto Masters Recital by Bass Trombonist Hanna Wilson, “Stereogram No. 3” & “Stereogram No. 7″ May/Jun 2021.

as well as the masterful rendition of the great Ben van Dijk, of “Stereogram No. 16″ on December 31 2020.

Thank you to all! I am humbled and honored and very appreciative. Perhaps a round up of 2020 Stereograms recorded by others should follow-we shall see.

Best wishes….

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