“Chilidog No.8” (Celtic Knot)

The Celtic culture is rich, somewhat mysterious and at times gives the perception of infinite wisdom. Many of the images of the Celtic Knots inspire the mind to enter as if a maze. Their braided beauty, imspires, tempts and challenges…perhaps to find a minotaur maongst the stirre thoughts they evoke. Enjoy this piece for solo guitar in their honor. Remember to de-tune the 6th string to ‘D’, and to fully enjoy absorbing the extra low frequencies…BOTH ‘Ds’ are to be played as the drone.

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DUO BRUBECK featuring Dr. Russ Spiegel & WORLD PREMIERE of NEW PIECE IN 5-4!

Hey, Music Lovers!!

For your listening pleasure, bring a friend if they are kind!

Musical soul-food is on the menu!

Honor and appreciation for women is on our hearts and minds…..

LIVE! THURSDAY 3-8-23 1:15pm MDC Kendall Room 8117 11011 SW 104th St. Miami, FL 33176 (Bldg. 8)

We hope to premiere the first of many selections from my new work, “Multiplication Ballet”. The piece in 5-4 is entitled “One Seven, Seven”. Inspired by two of my great musical heroes, Duke Ellington and Dave Brubeck, this new ballet introduces not only multiplication but Jazz Grooves and a message of hope and purpose for young people. Conceived as a counterweight to the economic success provided by the popularity of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker”, this ballet hopes to provide a popular summer season attraction for ballet companies. My first UN-DEDICATION ever is to the Miami City Ballet. Hope you are on hand to hear us soar as we bring this new 5-4 piece to life!

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Stereograms N-Z Are Nearly Ready to Publish!

Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues!

DavidBrubeck.com is please to continue our tradition of FREE MUSIC for Thanksgiving.

We are grateful indeed! We are counting our blessings! We are naming them, one by one!

YOU are one! Thank you.

Please accept access to this solo with our gratitude for you.

By the way!! This is just page one of two pages for Stereogram ‘N’, It’s about to go into

MIXED METER HAT DANCE!!! (Sound like a ride at the great Universal Studios!)

Stereogram Rhythmic Etudes N-Z are almost ready to publish!

The Advanced Stereograms are NUMBERED:

Originals Nos. 1-20, Volume I “Three Smooth Stones”,

Nos. 21-30 Volume II “Everglades”,

and many Originals & Arrangements Nos. 31-

The Intermediate Stereograms are LETTERED:

Rhythmic Etudes for Bass Clef Instruments A-M, Volume I

Rhythmic Etudes for Bass Clef Instruments N-Z, Volume II

c. 2012 & 2022 David Brubeck All Rights Reserved.

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Brubeck Performs Concerto for Bass Trombone, by Johann de Meij, LIVE! This Performance Is Dedicated to Dutch Farmers!!!!

Who could use fertilizer more efficiently than a DUTCH FARMER? REALLY? If you aren’t going to have them farm it, then who will farm it? And are they any more efficient? FAT CHANCE? Is it true that the DUTCH are the world’s SECOND LARGEST agricultural exporter? This seems to be a miracle for a nation so small! Is it true that they help to feed much of Europe?

What a beautiful and EPIC piece for the bass trombone and wind ensemble! The dramatic vistas are compelling, the harmonic language refreshing yet appealing, and above all it SOARS with beautiful melodies and DANCES with provocative themes. This recording has been recently unearthed and I thought you might like to share its premier on davidbrubeck.com

For a bass trombonist, I have been privileged to play several Concertos in front of a large ensemble. This is something that many gifted instrumentalists, of any instrument, have not done even once! It is both an honor and an experience unique unto itself! Distinct from playing with piano accompaniment or even in the context of a soloist within a chamber music group, in the concerto the conductor is the accompanist-or not! While I have been extremely fortunate to have a good relationship with all my conductors and they have accompanied me sensitively, for some concerto performers this is not always the case.

Writing for the bass trombone is a challenge in the concerto setting, due to the mellow nature of the sound at many dynamic levels. where it is difficult to project over trumpets and flutes while displaying even a modicum of sensitivity. Just below the staff, the bass trombone may be the most intense instrument, but weaving this intensity into phrases that embrace several ranges of the horn can be problematic. de Meij is brilliant in setting the primary utterances of the bass trombone against thinner or even non-existent orchestration. His command of mood and place as depicted by musical elements is astonishingly perceptive. As a daring move, he selects the upper baritone and baritone ranges for the bass trombone to soar and dance, even flirting with notes more often associated with the tenor trombone. One is reminded, however, how most instruments in the concerto setting resort to higher tessituras in order to break through the impressive wall of sound that the orchestra often produces.

Another “Concerto-like” memory I have is playing along side Brian Neal on trumpet as we were he two featured soloists in Hershey Kaye’s “Western Symphony” as performed by the Miami City Ballet and her Orchestra. What a delight!

This recording is at MDC Kendall in McCarthy Theatre, an environment somewhat unfriendly to lower vibrations, conducted the able Brian Neal as he leads the Miami Dade College Wind Ensemble in Concert.

If you are interested in more music by this brilliant composer, who is also a gifted trombonist, please visit his website at:


c. 2022 Davidbrubeck.com All Rights Reserved.

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James Jamerson, Melodic Bass Player Extraordinaire!

Is music healing? Can the bass vibrations and loving melodies of Jamerson’s innovative bass lines warm the soul, ease the mind and calm the nerves? It is certainly worth a try as an alternative to some more damaging forms of treatment. Paul McCartney claims Jamerson as HIS inspiration for bass playing. Jamerson is a rare musician who has inspired other bass players from all types of music.

What’s Going On?” is a Motown classic from Marvin Gaye questioning the effects of environmental degradation and inequality and trying to bring back the love-“only love can conquer hate”. The talent and beauty of Marvin Gaye is simply staggering. “Brother, Brother, Brother…”

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Did Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, Ph. D recommend “against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines”?

To read more from Natural Health 365-click here.


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WOW! It’s Over????

CDC Reverses Covid-19 Policy?


What about all the needless deaths?

All the needless injuries?

All the suicides and depression?

All the ruined small businesses and careers?

All the lost jobs?

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Celebrating World Ivermectin Day!

We can’t catch them all, and well, we missed ice cream!

Ivermectin is pretty cool too!

Is there an Ivermectin song????

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World Premiere, Elizabeth Raum’s “Four Elements” transcribed for Brass Duo; Pluus “Invention No. 6” and Faure’s “Pavane” by the Brubeck-Neal Duo and Elizabeth Raum’s “Concerto for Bass Trombone” Performed with Piano Accompaniment

Unearthed this Faculty Brass Recital from the Kendall Campus of Miami Dade College, featuring The Brubeck Neal Duo in a World Premiere Transcription of Elizabeth Raum’s “Four Elements for Brass Duo”, and in performance with pianist extraordinaire Bronwen Rutter in a version of a piano trio where trumpet and bass trombone take the place of violin and ‘cello. (One wonders if the Raum Concerto had been performed in a duo setting ever before as well…)

Other highlights include Brian Neal’s Duo Concertante No. 3, and performances by tubist Calvin Jenkins and hornist Audrey Destito.

Four Elements courtesy of myck.com

0:10-6:25 “Pavane” by Gabriel Faure for for Brass-Piano Trio, Bronwen Rutter and the Brubeck-Neal Duo

8:35 “Invention No. 6” from Two Part Inventions by Johann Sebastian Bach, Brubeck-Neal Duo

12:00 “The Four Elements” by Elizabeth Raum in a world premiere performance of the transcription for brass duo-the original setting was for violin and trombone. I. Water II. Earth III. Air IV. Fire as premiered by the Brubeck-Neal Duo

22:35 “Vocalise” by Sergei Rachmaninoff transcription performed by Calvin Jenkins tuba with Bronwen Rutter, piano.

26:50 “Laudatio for Solo Horn”by Bernhard Krol performed by Audrey Destito on unaccompanied horn

33:00 “Concerto for Bass Trombone” by Elizabeth Raum, believed to be the world premiere performance for solo bass trombone with piano.

42:30 J. S. Bach’s “Ich hatte viel Bekummenrnis”, BWV 21

46:00 “Duo Concertante No. 3” for Trumpet and Organ, by Brian Neal

c. 2022 David William Brubeck All Rights Reserved

To purchase “The Four Elements”, by Elizabeth Raum:

To purchase “Concerto for Bass Trombone”, by Elizabeth Raum with STRINGS AND PERCUSSION

To purchase “Concerto for Bass Trombone”, by Elizabeth Raum withWOODWINDS & BRASS-RECOMMENDED

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The 19th International Euphonium & Tuba Festival Welcomes……A Bass Trombonist?

Loved a recent trip to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia to IETF 2022; I only wish it were longer. Wonderful performances by many including David Childs, ​Alison Mahovsky and James Gourlay, and nice memories hanging out with the amazing faculty including Warren Deck and Adam Frey.

2022 International Euphonium & Tuba Festival Backstage with Oystein Baadsvik & David Brubeck
2022 International Euphonium & Tuba Conference: David Brubeck Masterclass on Brass Diagnostics

The Diagnostic Masterclass I gave seemed to have just about all the students attending and lasted for an extra 30 minutes, an hour and a half. It was a pleasure to apply Jacobs “Wind & Song”, Frank Crisafulli & Shinichi Suzuki’s “Isolation of Elements”, and my own “Relaxation & Resonance” concepts with so many students facing challenges on the horn. I think we solved a great deal of brass playing issues and had a great time. It was nice to provide a forum for the students who needed a bit of help. Thank you to all the participants and for the wonderful audience.

David & Miya at 2022 International Euphonium and Tuba Festival

I continue to be the MOST SPOILED bass trombonist on the planet when it comes to amazing pianists! I am also amongst the most grateful for the talented pianists at my side including my new friend Miya! She is a fantastic person and musician. I remember Bronwen Rutter, Linda Byrd, Carol Beilke, Nancy Cimino, and so many others; many thanks! We played Chopin’s Cello Sonata movements ii & iii, and I might have snuck in Stereogram No. 11….possibly.

c. 2022 David William Brubeck All Rights Reserved.

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The Brubeck Brass, All That & A Bag of Chips!

Brubeck Brass Summer 2022

We would like to thank the City of Pembroke Pines for a wonderful setting to celebrate the genius of Louis Armstrong! The audience was large and simply wonderful! We are grateful and humbled by your standing ovation for our afternoon of music. We featured some of the younger faces of the Brubeck Brass who played great and seemed to enjoy themselves. Bru-Brass Treats its musicians well; checks on the spot, seltzer water on hand, and yes, even a bag of chips…

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The Brubeck Brass LIVE TOMORROW SUNDAY 10 JULY 2022 IN PEMBROKE PINES CITY CENTER 601 City Center Way, 4-6 pm (Florida, naturellement)

Louis Armstrong is America’s Leonardo da Vinci; an inexhaustible font of creativity and genius. Just as Leonardo squared the circle with his Vitruvian Man and celebrated Mankind as the masterpiece of creation, Louis Armstrong created SWING rhythm and phrasing to circle the rhythmic squares!

The trumpets will be excellent, and the trombones are pretty good, too!

Please join us in air conditioned comfort, surrounded by friends, in a beautiful environment all for free!

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