Loved a recent trip to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia to IETF 2022; I only wish it were longer. Wonderful performances by many including David Childs, Alison Mahovsky and James Gourlay, and nice memories hanging out with the amazing faculty including Warren Deck and Adam Frey.

The Diagnostic Masterclass I gave seemed to have just about all the students attending and lasted for an extra 30 minutes, an hour and a half. It was a pleasure to apply Jacobs “Wind & Song”, Frank Crisafulli & Shinichi Suzuki’s “Isolation of Elements”, and my own “Relaxation & Resonance” concepts with so many students facing challenges on the horn. I think we solved a great deal of brass playing issues and had a great time. It was nice to provide a forum for the students who needed a bit of help. Thank you to all the participants and for the wonderful audience.

I continue to be the MOST SPOILED bass trombonist on the planet when it comes to amazing pianists! I am also amongst the most grateful for the talented pianists at my side including my new friend Miya! She is a fantastic person and musician. I remember Bronwen Rutter, Linda Byrd, Carol Beilke, Nancy Cimino, and so many others; many thanks! We played Chopin’s Cello Sonata movements ii & iii, and I might have snuck in Stereogram No. 11….possibly.
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