Hey, Music Lovers!!
For your listening pleasure, bring a friend if they are kind!
Musical soul-food is on the menu!
Honor and appreciation for women is on our hearts and minds…..

We hope to premiere the first of many selections from my new work, “Multiplication Ballet”. The piece in 5-4 is entitled “One Seven, Seven”. Inspired by two of my great musical heroes, Duke Ellington and Dave Brubeck, this new ballet introduces not only multiplication but Jazz Grooves and a message of hope and purpose for young people. Conceived as a counterweight to the economic success provided by the popularity of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker”, this ballet hopes to provide a popular summer season attraction for ballet companies. My first UN-DEDICATION ever is to the Miami City Ballet. Hope you are on hand to hear us soar as we bring this new 5-4 piece to life!