It’s HOT in South Florida! You want to get out of the house, take the family to something good, BUT into the AC! The Brubeck Brass has you covered. Join us in the spacious atrium of the Charles F. Dodge City Center on Sunday, June 9th at 4:00 pm for a fun concert with BRASS! AND IT’S FREE!
Join us in the first of a summer long series of professional musicians led by the Youth All Star Faculty members Richard Hancock, clarinet, Cornelia Brubeck, cello and David Brubeck, trombone. We will explore three of the major symphonic instrument groups in a fun, atrium atmosphere where you can relax and get close to the instruments and the musicians while being engulfed in the waves of their beautiful sounds. All under Air Conditioning! Enjoy…..

c. 2019 David William Brubeck All Rights Reserved